Say hello to the
Essential GUide to Landing Paid Brand Deals
All of my Tips for pitching brands, setting rates, and negotiating deals are waiting for you inside this 15-page downloadable PDF guide.
Let’s get real for a second, friend
Do you find yourself constantly wondering if you could turn your hobby into a business?
Have you ever felt like your content isn't being valued the way that it should?
Is the number of followers you have holding you back from pitching brands?
Or maybe, you have no idea HOW to pitch brands to start getting these paid deals?
Which is why I spent the past few months experimenting, tweaking, testing, and trying method after method until I finally found the perfect strategy to land paid brand deals.
I landed 3 in one day just last week so this is possible for you too! For the first time ever, I’m sharing my step-by-step approach with you in this PDF: a beautiful 15-page guide outlining exactly how to turn your passion into paid deals. Because let's be honest, your content is amazing and brands have the money to pay you! Let's go get paid!
Sneak Peak into my guide:
"Offer something unique to you or an idea that is not already on the brand's socials or
website. This requires research of the brand… no blind pitching!"
Are you getting excited yet?
The Essential Guide to Landing Paid Brand Deals
Let’s take a look at what’s inside this e-guide
I am not gatekeeping; this guide is the real deal and is designed to walk you through my real pitches and help you set your rates and negotiate deals for payment!
Pitch brands through both DM and email
Get plug-in templates that I use to land deals that are fully customizable to your niche!
Access to my formula I use to calculate my own rates
Negotiate your rates and offer package deals to help “seal the deal”
Not get ripped off by usage rights and hidden contract terms
Get a FREE rate card template to customize in Canva and lifetime access to a support group with others who have purchased the guide! You will be able to ask any questions and I will answer them! :)
Ok, so how can i access these tips?
The kind of knowledge contained in this guide can run into the hundreds depending on who you’re buying from. But I believe in offering the most affordable price based on the value I provide and the budget of small creators. That’s why for a limited time only, I’m offering this guide for only:
Reg. $40
Need a guide that fits your budget further? I have a mini-guide too that includes everything this guide does, except it only has 1 Dm and email template and no rate card! Email if you are interested in this one!
customer testimonials
"Being a smaller creator, I didn’t have the confidence to reach out to brands until now! I just got my first paid collab and I am so thankful for Knead The Recipe and this amazing guide!"
“Thank you for making this guide! I have had my page for so long and never considered reaching out to brands!”
“Thanks to Bre, I was able to land my first UGC paid brand deal! She deserves all the love!"
I started my Instagram in January of 2023 and never thought I could get paid for my passion. I know what it is like to feel stuck in the trap of comparison but once you realize the value you bring as a creator, the sooner you will be able to get paid for your work! Never give up, your time is coming soon!
It’s time to get paid for your amazing content!